Based in Wilmington, East Sussex, UK

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I have a life long fascination in the nature of us as humans and in particular our emotional lives. I am interested in how complicated we all are. Sometimes it can help to take time out to try to understand ourselves better, and how we are in the world, for example, ‘Why do I keep making the same mistakes?’, ‘’Why am I so fearful, stressed or unhappy?' or ‘How did I get here?’. Therapy can help to work through some of the complexities in our lives or to make sense of and mourn painful experiences and to keep a sense of creativity and meaning alive.
I believe that by linking what happens in the therapy room with the life lived outside and with events and relationships in the past we can increase our understanding of ourselves, our choices and our relationships in ways that can open up space for new possibilities


I am a UKCP affiliated trainee Psychotherapist and in my final year studying for an MA at the Bath Centre for Psychotherapy and Counselling (BCPC). I work within the ethical frameworks for both organisations.

I worked for over 25 years as a qualified Mental Health Nurse with working age adults, primarily as a Community MH Nurse and latterly Team Leader.
I work primarily in a designated room in my home offering individual therapy in a caring, safe and confidential space where you can explore your emotions, thoughts, beliefs and behaviours, identify and work through issues in your life that you would like to change, accept or understand better. 
Sessions are 50 minutes long and cost £40 (Fixed for 24/25).
The first step is to contact me by email to arrange an initial assessment appointment where we can meet to discuss your reasons for seeking therapy. I will take some basic information from you such as your address, contact details and your GP. We can discuss together your specific needs and goals for therapy and I can answer any questions you have. A copy of our contract is available to download by clicking here or you can pick up a printed copy when we first meet.

My full GDPR Policy will be given to you at our first meeting or is available on request. All information will be treated as confidential. Any information I keep about you will be kept in a locked draw. Any digital information will be kept in a password protected folder.